Monday, June 15, 2020

Razor Thin

By Zamboni

Rhe talking heads have been all aflutter about Benedict Donald's sinking approval numbers and various alarming-to-Republicans Senate races (Iowa, where Joni Ernst now trails her Democratic challenger, comes to mind). But somehow this weekend, a poll out of a Southern, slam-dunk-for-the-GOP state got past them.

At least, we didn't hear anyone discussing it. But according to a Talk Business and Politics-Hendrix College poll, Joe Biden is statistically tied with Donald Trump in... Arkansas.

"Trump has the support of 47 percent of likely Arkansas voters," The Hill reports. "The President leads Biden, who is supported by 45 percent of likely voters, by two points, which falls within the poll’s 3.3 percentage point margin of error.

"The poll found Biden was leading among independent voters, 46 to 40 percent, according to the report. 

"In 2016, Trump won the state with 60 percent of the vote."

Those numbers are attention-getting enough, but consider this: Arkansas has one of the lowest-percentage African-American populations in the South (only about 16 percent). Hispanics are only 7 percent. So this is not a minority-driven result. And it's a respected statewide poll.

It's only June, but in the meantime, this will not hurt Biden's fundraising. Which should bring a smile to his face. We cats PURR.

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