Wednesday, June 10, 2020


By Miss Kubelik

If you glanced at this photo and thought, "Oh, that's Washington, DC," guess again. It's a street mural in Albany, New York. And it's not the only one. DC Mayor Muriel Bowser has started a trend.

Benedict Donald must be chewing the scenery down in the bunker. Everywhere he looks, people who have not supported BLM in the past are changing their tunes. Old white guys are stepping down in shame from corporate jobs after making racist remarks. Confederate and slaver statues are coming down (and Christopher Columbus just had his head knocked off). And Trump's hastily erected fence around the White House has been turned into art.

B.D. is so rattled, in fact, that he's tweeting about Confederate generals now. But it's hard to top the "cease and desist" letter he just had his campaign lawyers send CNN for a poll that shows Joe Biden 14 points ahead. Retract and apologize! CNN wrote a deliciously brutal response. "Your letter is factually and legally baseless," it said. "It is yet another bad-faith attempt by the [Trump] campaign to threaten litigation to muzzle speech it does not want voters to read or hear. Your allegations and demands are rejected in their entirety."

The only way CNN's response could have been better? Demand that the Trump campaign release its internal polls so that we all can assess their credibility and accuracy. Since John McLaughlin, a low-rated pollster, analyzed CNN's results, it's only fair. And then all Republican candidates should be asked whether they believe CNN polls or Trump polls. ("What? Trump hasn't shared his data with you? Why not? Haven't you sucked up to him enough?") We cats PURR.

UPDATE: NASCAR has just banned the Confederate flag at its events and properties. Does Donald's bunker have rubber walls? He'll need them.

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