Saturday, August 29, 2020

Here's What We Can Do

By Hubie and Bertie

Maybe you've heard that the office of the Director of National Intelligence has stopped briefing Congress on election interference? This is the kind of thing that happens in an autocracy.

Thankfully, the United States is not an autocracy — yet. But since Congressional Republicans appear to be okay with protecting Trump and the Russians, here's what we all need to do.

Call your member of Congress. Every message that hits members' voice mailboxes tells them their chances of winning re-election. The phone number is (202) 224-3121. You will reach the US Capitol operator, so just ask for your member by name. When you reach the office, be polite. Tell them you want the DNI to brief Congress on Russia's attack on this election.

Also, find your Congressperson's and both your Senators' USPS addresses. They take written letters very seriously in an election year. If you can, send a fax as well. Those count, too.

If you live near your Representative's or Senator's office (state, district or DC), walk in. Be polite and well-dressed. Inform the staff you want to leave a personal message: You want Russian election attacks briefed to Congress and our elections to be protected. This will matter to staff.

Then, write a letter to the editor in your local newspaper. Say that you want Russia's attacks on democracy investigated, but that it appears that some elected officials are derelict in their duty. (Hint, hint.) Campaign staff will absolutely see those, and local media will likely cover the issue more.

The most important point here is that all politics is local. Your member of Congress wants to keep his/her job, and so does his or her district staff. If you're in a swing district, you'll have even more sway. But even if you're not (like us), they know that in a blue tsunami year, anything can happen. Get your vote heard. We cats PURR.

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