Saturday, August 15, 2020

Worried About A Fair Election? Here Are Some Things You Can Do


By Miss Kubelik

If you're like us and millions of other Americans, you're having nightmares about the USPS and ballots not being counted. Maybe you're envisioning Benedict Donald claiming victory on Election Night before all the early and absentee votes roll in. It's a scenario that many pundits are warning about, which means that Biden-Harris needs to have a task force at the ready to fight back and make sure every vote is counted.

They probably already do. (They're running things pretty well so far, so we have confidence.) In the meantime, the best antidote for anxiety is action. Here are some steps you can take to do your part:

Contact your US Senators (call 202-224-3121 or email them) and tell them they need to get back to Washington and provide emergency funding for the US Postal Service and for states to hold fair and safe elections. This is funding that the House voted on three months ago, but which Moscow Mitch has been holding up.

Contact your member of Congress and tell him or her to demand immediate answers (via a subpoena if they have to) from Trumpy Postmaster General Louis DeJoy and to hold him accountable for what he's doing. Apparently there are House hearings scheduled for September 17. This is too late. They need to happen now.

Call your state's Secretary of State or your county election official and demand drop boxes. You can find contact information here.

Register to vote (that goes without saying). And check your registration often. Click here for more information.

Whether you think you'll vote in person or by mail, make a plan to vote. Do it early if you can. Click here to get details about early voting in your state.

Volunteer to be a poll worker. Many are older and retired, and may be hesitant to work in the pandemic. If you're young, furloughed, out of work or can otherwise devote the time, this job's for you.

Volunteer for Biden-Harris or your Congressional candidate. Campaigns are still doing voter outreach, mostly via phone and computer to keep everybody safe. So you won't even need to leave your house. And who knows? Maybe by October we can go door to door again.

Let's all pitch in. We have to. Democracy's on the line. We cats PURR.

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