Tuesday, August 25, 2020

High Volume, Low Substance

By Baxter

Contrary to the old saw "It's all over but the shouting," the Republicans kicked off their whatever-it-is convention with a lot of... well, shouting. (Is that why Gavin Newsom divorced Kimberly Guilfoyle so many moons ago? She was breaking his eardrums? Thankfully, Americans are taking up the #GuilfoyleChallenge.)

Republicans also have no party platform this year beyond fealty to Benedict Donald. We knew the GOP was on its last legs, but that's pretty astonishing. They have no plans for the pandemic, for getting the economy back on track and people back to work, for anything. They're not even pretending. That rumble that folks in Springfield, Illinois, are feeling is Abraham Lincoln, spinning in his grave.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden has put out plans for the economy, race relations, clean energy, healthcare, education, and yes, the pandemic — plus more. They're all here.

Democrats are taking democracy seriously and giving voters the respect they deserve. Maybe that's why they got three million more viewers on their convention's first night than the Trumpsters did. We cats PURR.

(IMAGE: Michael de Adder)

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