Saturday, August 1, 2020

Stuart Stevens's Mea Culpa

By Zamboni

In contrast with his fellow Lincoln Project lads, longtime Republican political consultant Stuart Stevens has just owned up to decades of GOP racism, hate and white grievance — and his part in letting it happen. (Funny how more than 150,000 dead Americans, a shattered economy and people marching in the streets will concentrate one's mind.)

Benedict Donald, Stevens says, "is the logical conclusion of what the party became over the past 50 or so years, a natural product of the seeds of race-baiting, self-deception and anger that now dominate it." And he draws parallels with the present-day GOP and the Soviet Communist Party, which collapsed in 1991 — pretty interesting, considering that Vladimir Putin basically runs the joint now.

If there is a blue tsunami this fall, will it cause the Republicans to implode? It is devoutly to be hoped. Our theory is that the party will split into two factions — one peopled by Bush types, the other by the Trump base, modern-day Know Nothings who need to slink back to the fringes where they belong.

"I've given up hope that there are any lines of decency or normalcy that once crossed would move Republican leaders to act as if they took their oath of office more seriously than their allegiance to party," Stevens wrote. "Only fear will motivate the party to change — the cold fear only defeat can bring." We cats PURR.

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