Monday, August 24, 2020

Inauspicious Start

By Hubie and Bertie

Is it just a coincidence that this is the date the British burned the White House in 1814? The place sure has been a dumpster fire since Benedict Donald moved in.

And today starts what the Republicans are passing off as a party convention. We don't exactly know how they're convening (in person? via Zoom?) or even what their platform is (it's Trump, Trump and only Trump). No Republican heavy hitters from years past are showing up, like a former President or a former party nominee. And the list of Republicans endorsing Joe Biden keeps growing.

What's really getting our attention, though, is this whole Kellyanne Conway resignation thingy. It's a tremendously odd story that involves her husband, who is one of the Lincoln Project lads, and their 15-year-old daughter, who posted a video to the interwebs that, well, let's just say isn't very flattering. And it's happened hard on the heels of Mary Trump releasing that blistering audio of Trump's sister to The Washington Post. Family values!

Here's the thing about Kellyanne, though: What about the opioid epidemic????

Few will remember — because the so-called press has no institutional memory — that nearly three years ago, Benedict Donald appointed Kellyanne to combat the opioid scourge. You would have been forgiven for wondering how someone like her, a political pollster with no drug policy or law enforcement experience, would succeed. 

The answer: She didn't.

So who will take her place, heading up this you've-never-seen-anything-this-amazing coordinated national strategy that, even without the COVID-19 pandemic, still kills tens of thousands of Americans every year? Jared? Vice President Poonce?

Somebody needs to ask this question, since one of the "themes" of the Republican "convention" appears to be "promises kept." We cats HISS.

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