Thursday, August 27, 2020

Prebutting In

By Zamboni

What's the chance of rain in DC tonight? Could the skies possibly open and drench all the maskless fools who are gathered on the South Lawn in violation of federal law? Or have we used up all our God points with Hurricane Laura knocking down that Confederate statue in Louisiana?

The Trumpsters are betting too much on the rape of American pageantry. In a few days and weeks, tonight's sh*tshow at the White House will be a fading memory, as parents across the country try to send their kids to school. In too many places, in-person learning will have to be suspended as more and more COVID cases pop up, and chaos will ensue. Heck, chaos is already here. We cats don't have kittens, but it's not difficult to imagine how furious and frustrated Americans with school-age kids will be. (Hint: They won't be taking it out on Joe Biden.)

But there's one thing you can predict about tonight: With her blistering prebuttal speech today, Kamala Harris burrowed deeply under Benedict Donald's thin skin, raising the chances that he'll abandon the teleprompter, go off the rails and call her "nasty" and worse. Check the headlines tomorrow and see. In the meantime, we cats give Senator Harris an ankle rub, and we PURR.

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