Monday, March 6, 2023

A Matter Of Convention

By Baxter

Should the Democratic National Convention go to Atlanta in 2024?

There are some compelling arguments for it. Since Biden-Harris carried Georgia in 2020 (take that, soon-to-be-indicted Benedict Donald), it would be a nice reward. It would also give the state's two freshly minted Democratic Senators time in the spotlight. And it would be a very special opportunity to celebrate Congressman John Lewis — and, of course, former President Jimmy Carter.

On the other hand, Marjorie Taylor Greene represents the district just up the road, and no doubt she and her nutcase supporters would try to raise some kind of ruckus. But that doesn't worry us nearly as much as the fact that Georgia is an open-carry state. Long guns in public are hunky-dory, no permit or background check required. This has got to make convention planners a tad nervous.

Overall, though, it's kind of sad that we're back to our old "convention city" ways after the pandemic forced us — as the only responsible political party in America — to gather virtually in 2020. That Democratic convention was fantastic TV. So, wherever we end up in two years, can we do some sort of hybrid — a combination of live action and compelling video? Perhaps the January 6 Committee producers could lend a hand. That would make us cats PURR.

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