Thursday, March 30, 2023

Lock Him Up

By Sniffles

We didn't think this week could get any more amusing after Rhonda Santis was screwed by Disney. What the Reedy Creek Board did to DeSantis's "takeover" was so tables-turned delicious, because it's exactly what Republican legislatures have done — or tried to do — to duly elected Democratic Governors in other states (hello, Roy Cooper and Andy Beshear). And of course the bit about the "descendants of King Charles III" was hilarious and brilliant.

But now Alvin Bragg's grand jury has indicted Benedict Donald. Whee! Too bad it's a school night, but we'll celebrate tomorrow.

Meanwhile, not the most important question, but: What will this momentous event do to the Republicans' 2024 Presidential field?

We agree with George Conway that the best move at this point for DeSantis is simply not to run in '24. He's already had a bad soft rollout, and that was before Mickey Mouse humiliated him. Conway said the smartest thing DeSantis could do is just never really declare, bilk his fans, and then say, oops, never mind. He's young, and has time to wait.

If Rhonda does that, he'll eat up a lot of money, freeze supporters and prospective campaign workers in place, and keep several second-tier candidates from launching. By the time he drops out, it will be too late for any of the undeclared candidates to raise cash and hire the necessary professionals for a competitive campaign. (Although we could picture one or two trying to run in an all-in-on-New-Hampshire effort, in hopes of catching some Big Mo.)

Benedict Donald then will be left with a small and weak field, over which he will steamroll, in part because he owns so much of the state and local party machinery. There won't be a single Republican not named Trump with the money, organization, credibility, base and guts to stop Donald then.

This all sounds good to us. After all, 57 percent of Americans say that criminal charges should disqualify Trump from another bid. And that's the guy the GOP has hitched its wagon to. We cats PURR.

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