Thursday, March 2, 2023

Florida Fines? Not Fine

By Miss Kubelik

We cats have been pretty much ignoring Rhonda Santis lately. Not because what's going on in Florida isn't horrible — but we feel like some powers-that-be in the GOP are trying so hard to pump him up against Benedict Donald that surely Rick Wilson's prediction will come true: DeSantis has a glass jaw and will not survive the Republican primary process. (He's already decided he wouldn't survive CPAC this week, opting to appear at the Club for Growth meeting instead.)

But maybe we should opine on DeSantis after all. Because if a Florida legislator has his way, bloggers who write about Ronnie will have to register with the state — or pay up. Seems unconstitutional. But it's just one result of Sunshine State Republican lawmakers falling over each other to see who can best please Führer Ron. One member has even introduced a bill to outlaw the Florida Democratic Party entirely.

(Roll your eyes and/or giggle, but this is exactly what the Nazis did when they came to power in Germany in 1933. Sometimes, those Hitler analogies work.)

So it's all pretty astounding and scary, unless you agree with Rick Wilson that DeSantis will self-destruct. We're keeping an eye. In the meantime, as one of our favorite bloggers said today, "I was searching for places to go for a beach getaway for a few days. Usually, I'd be looking at Florida, but you can blow me, DeSantistan. I'm not giving you a fucking dime unless it's to help sane people move out of there." We cats PURR.

(IMAGE: Rhonda makes a face because President Biden is getting all the post-Hurricane Ian attention. Ah, memories.)

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