Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Tidbits And Cat Treats: Malala Shows 'Em All Edition

By Sniffles

We cats did not watch a moment of the Oscars on Sunday: Every year, the Academy makes it less important to engage. (This is no slur on any of the winners, since we've seen literally none of the nominated films or performances.) But wow! Malala Yousafzai was the only person at the event who had any taste. Her Ralph Lauren gown was stunning (and her husband was, too).

Meanwhile, some other stories have popped up in the news today:

President Carter has asked President Biden to deliver the eulogy at his funeral. Some folks got this confused and thought President Carter had died already — happily, that's not yet the case. We used to root for him to make it to 100. Now, we'll be happy if he lives long enough to see Benedict Donald indicted. And that could happen very soon

Ron DeSantis sure picked the wrong day to come out on Russia's side, shot-down-drone-wise. (P.S.: He used to be on Ukraine's side.) So, will any of the other GOP "contenders" not named Trump have anything to say about this? That is, aside from Chris Sununu?

We are now at the point where we can't tell if Trump's insane posts on "Truth Social" are genuine or a diabolical parody. Even after years of putting up with Donald's nonsense, we find this unsettling. Would he really have posted a tightly constructed laundry list of advisers, each with his or her own insulting nickname, and, except with a stray hyphen here and there, nothing misspelled? Did he really call Jeff Sessions "Mister Magoo"? That's too funny to be real.

Finally, something that's not funny: Mike Pence's lame, homophobic "joke" about Pete Buttigieg at the Gridiron Club. If you don't know what he said, we're not going to repeat it. Suffice to say that Mike Pence is a truly terrible person, and one moment of taking Dan Quayle's advice on Constitutional powers is never going to change that. We cats HISS.

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