Sunday, March 19, 2023

Load Of Crap.

By Sniffles

Yesterday, Benedict Donald said that he was going to be arrested by the Manhattan DA on Tuesday and that his loyal followers should take to the streets. (See above.)

No doubt some yahoos in northern Idaho read that post, immediately threw a couple of shotguns in the back seat of their pickup, and took off for New York City. (Never mind that they can't afford the hotel prices there.) They're probably somewhere in Kansas about now.

And surely other MAGA idiots are en route to Palm Beach — while others have made plans to withdraw all their money from the First Bank of Bumfuck, Arkansas, another one of the silly protest schemes. Personally, we'd love to see Trumpsters tank some rinky-dink hillbilly bank, and all the brouhaha that would ensue. It would be most amusing!

But we couldn't help asking why, with only Trump's word to go on, everyone else assumed it would indeed be Tuesday. Turns out we may have been right.

Trump's legal team is apparently sending a rebuttal witness to the grand jury tomorrow. This is a defendant's right, but will probably slow things down. You also have to believe that it was in the works well before Benedict Donald riled up everyone yesterday morning.

Can we stop letting him yank our chain? We're talking to the fun people we follow on Twitter, but, most of all, we're addressing the media. Please, journalists, can you grow up? We cats HISS.

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