Monday, March 11, 2024

Sending Our Thoughts And Prayers

By Zamboni

It's been both amusing and annoying to see tweeps and others scream that President Biden must immediately sack Attorney General Merrick Garland or change his 2024 running mate. Not only are both demands ridiculous, it's only eight months until November, for heaven's sake. Any major change — and we assume that means a replacement for outgoing HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge — will have to wait for next year.

But it's completely fun to watch what Benedict Donald and his merry band of traitorous minions, including daughter-in-law Lara Trump, are doing to the Republican National Committee right now. With Election Day right around the corner, they're staging an RNC "bloodbath" — firing 60 staffers and realigning the entire operation, apparently, to pay Trump's legal bills. The Trumpsters intend to completely merge the RNC's fundraising with theirs, a Republican-money version of The Fly.

And they'll kick out the door anyone who knows what they're doing in data (targeting and getting out the vote), communications (the folks who make all those campaign ads people see during football), and politics (strategizing, allocating resources, etc.). Although they swear that they'll be inviting people to reapply, don't believe it. We predict that to save money for Benedict Donald's ever-expanding legal woes, they won't replace all 60. (Under normal circumstances, new management would be hiring additional staff.)

Other than footing Trump's lawyer bills, their focus, we're sure, will be almost entirely on the Presidential race, and Republicans out in the states will have to fend for themselves. But the most alarming thing for the party? There's no time.

What's the planning for the convention? For security, hotel rooms, fundraising events? For big-donor care and feeding? Finding space at local airports for all those rich Republicans' private planes? And is it all on schedule? Or have they fired everybody working on that stuff?

George Conway may have put it best: "Total stable genius move to do this during a Presidential election cycle. No doubt that Lara will quickly replace the fired people with only the best people, as MAGA only attracts the best, and that fired staffers won’t be disgruntled and leak damaging stories to the press." We cats PURR.

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