Tuesday, March 5, 2024

So Long, Sinema

By Hubie and Bertie

We cats once had high hopes for Senator Kyrsten Sinema, who cut a distinctive figure and seemed to be one of the smartest people to serve in Congress (multiple academic degrees, impressive resume). And boy, did she own Mike Pence during her swearing in, or what? Mother's husband could barely look that confident woman in the eye.

But she definitely disappointed: Her wardrobe got weirder, and so did she. She wouldn't play ball on eliminating the filibuster, and voted against a bunch of other stuff that our side of the aisle held dear. Then last year, she left the Democratic Party to become an Independent, although still caucusing with us. But once Congressman Ruben Gallego entered the 2024 Arizona Democratic primary, she came in a weak third in all the polls, behind him and Trumpy nutcase Kari Lake.

Today, she announced she was dropping out. You could pretty much see this coming, since she wasn't obviously gearing up a re-election campaign and had raised practically no money. Gallego, on the other hand, has been a relentless fundraiser. We know this from personal experience. (Hey, Ruben, we're going to donate to you. Can you give us a little break from the texting now and then?)

One question is how this will affect Benedict Donald's decision on his running mate — assuming, of course, that in his current mental state, he even makes it to the Republican convention. We've always thought he would choose Lake. She's slavishly devoted, good-looking enough for him, totally crazy, and from an important swing state. But now that the Senate race is just her and Gallego, what will Trump do? Kristi Noem, who is not from an important swing state, is surely sitting by the phone.

If you're fed up with Sinema, you're happy to see her go. But her exit doesn’t change the election math. Whether we're talking about two-way or three-way polling, Gallego has a small but respectable lead over Lake, his expected Republican opponent. It’ll come down to whether you get involved. Donate. Write postcards. Volunteer. We cats PURR.

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