Friday, March 29, 2024

Three Presidents, 26 Million Dollars


By Miss Kubelik

After Thursday night's $26 million fundraiser in New York City, Team Biden made some important announcements about the campaign's battleground-state organization. One was that they're opening 10 (count 'em) 10 field offices in the state of North Carolina alone.

(North Carolina is a ripe opportunity for Democrats this year: Republicans have nominated a sweaty, yelling religious whackjob for Governor, and their candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction not only home-schools her kids, she's called for the public execution of the Presidents you see above.)

To put it in context, last night's haul was big that it could pay for the entire general election campaign — field and media — in the Tar Heel State. And Biden had great timing to piggy-back on the New York event and announce the field initiatives today. It will help drive the weekend conversation into the Sunday talk shows.

We cats also have some suggestions for the media's next logical steps:

  • Go to the swing states, and instead of talking to angry old white supremacists in diners and Waffle Houses, look for the state GOP and Trump field offices (which won't exist) and the field organizers working therein (they won't be there). Ask why.
  • Ask the Trump campaign in what states they intend to play offense, and why. Specifically ask for their numbers and locations of field offices, how many paid staff they have, etc.
  • Ask the Trump campaign what they're doing to reach out to constituencies outside their crazy base — the Haley voters, the Romneyites, the Cheney fans. Should be interesting.

And if any national newspeople would contact George W. Bush to ask him why he's been a no-show in the GOP version of last night's Radio City Music Hall event, we'd like to shake their hands and give them a Daniel Webster cigar. We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

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