Friday, August 29, 2008

Another Theory on What's-Her-Name

By Sniffles

We cats have thought a little bit more about the Republican Party in 2012. And we think that underneath the surface of the Sarah Palin V.P. selection — with some new background information from CNN — there are some pretty nasty politics roiling around.

In short, we suspect that Rove and Schmidt looked at their polls this week and panicked. Why else would they have called Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty as late as yesterday, told him he was under serious consideration, and advised him to get back to Minneapolis from Denver so he could get to Dayton more easily?

Are their polls even worse than we can imagine? Do they already know they're going to lose? Because if so, surely the Bushies to whom Senator McCain has sold his soul would want him saddled with a Vice Presidential candidate too weak to inherit the leadership of the party. That way, nothing will stand between the 2012 nomination and — oh, say, Jeb Bush.

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