Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Elmer Gantry Redux

By Baxter

We cats aren't sure, but the name "Saddleback" sounds very gay to us. We're picturing manly men on strapping, muscled horses. And then we're picturing Rick Warren picturing that, and going into a foaming frenzy of religious fervor, and then — oops, never mind.

In other words, we think Rick Warren is your typical evangelical charlatan, only maybe richer. And not as good-looking as Burt Lancaster was. But clearly Warren wants John McCain to be President, and clearly — at least to us cats, who are suspicious by nature — Warren lied when he said Senator McCain was in a "cone of silence" the other night.

What's interesting to us, though, is that even with those nefarious odds stacked against him, Senator Obama more than held his own, and in front of an unfriendly audience to boot. But then, give us a man who will thoughtfully answer faith-themed questions, any time.

Oh, and by the way, we heartily approve of Senator Obama's unwillingness to define when life begins. We can only assume that his reticence was due to an innate realization that it was ridiculous for three men — two of whom are against reproductive freedom for women — to be discussing such a subject.

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