Saturday, November 8, 2008

Republicans = Incendiary

By Baxter

See, this is what we're talking about: Republicans use dangerous language.

Since Tuesday, we cats have been dipping our paws into some conservative websites, just to see what they were saying about the Obama landslide. At first, the conversations were tinged with shock and dismay. Now, they've gotten pretty ugly.

Here's just one example. It's a post about the McCain campaign staffers and other GOP operatives who are leaking unflattering stories about Governor Palin to the press. (Emphases are ours.)

"It is my personal desire to hunt them down, ruin their reputations with the fact that they are leaking, and make sure they never, ever, ever work in Republican politics again. Let me be clear here: it is not just about Palin. It is about mercenary politicos who work for the paycheck, not the cause. They are the reason the GOP is where it is now. They had no principle and no loyal [sic] except to the paycheck. And they must be annihilated."

Wow, "annihilated." We cats GROWL at this vituperative tone. It's so contrary to the mood of the country right now. And the fact that the Republicans are now training it on each other doesn't really make us feel any better.

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