Monday, November 10, 2008

"Should Joe Go?"

By Zamboni

The answer: Yes.

First, let us cats take pains to point out that this is purely a question for the Senate. President-elect Obama and Vice President-elect Biden are not involved.

But — when addressed at the proper level — we think the answer is clear.

Senate Democrats can never trust Joe Lieberman again. He should not be in the caucus room when Democratic Senators convene to discuss politics and policy. He cannot be trusted.

Yes, it's a political issue. But that's Joe Lieberman's doing. He not only endorsed Senator McCain for President — he actively questioned Senator Obama's patriotism in the course of the campaign.

Cats' memo to Harry Reid: Toss him. Swipe your claws at him. This is one guy whose support, please God, we can afford to lose.

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