Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sorry, Sarah

By Zamboni

We cats are proud to say we don't slobber the way dogs do. We may delicately lick our little lips if presented with a juicy plate of tuna. Or we might do those whom we trust (and maybe that's you) the supreme compliment of fully shutting our eyes in your presence. But we don't get all goofy over you.

Therefore, it is with a stern sense of feline dignity that we instruct all those nutjob "Palin pals" over on the Republican Party's right wing to calm down and wipe the froth off their faces. Because that Alaska Senate seat fantasy is looking even more iffy today.

Democratic Senatorial candidate Mark Begich now leads Ted Stevens by 2,374 votes, up from 1,022 earlier. More numbers will be released in a few hours, but obviously the trend isn't exactly going in Senator Stevens' direction.

In other words, it's increasingly likely that we'll have to put away the entertaining pipe dream that Stevens, a convicted felon, would either resign or be tossed from the Senate after beating Begich, with Governor Palin running to fill the seat in a special election. Awww, darn!

It's Senator Stevens' 85th birthday today, but maybe we'll be the ones getting a gift: A 58th Democratic Senator.

We cats PURR at that thought, and lick our little lips. Paws crossed.

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