Tuesday, June 30, 2009

At Long Last, 60

By Sniffles

Now we'll all see if Tim Pawlenty is a man or a mouse.

The Minnesota Supreme Court has ruled unanimously in favor of Al Franken in his Senate race with the ever-creepy Norm Coleman. (Somebody tell the fat OxyContin addict down in Florida, who tried to spin yesterday's 5-to-4 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court as nine-zip. Ha!)

Although we cats do enjoy the occasional tasty mouse, we're rooting for Pawlenty to be a man, keep his word, and certify this ridiculously never-ending election. Good heavens, the country needs healthcare reform, you know?

UPDATE: The little worm known as Norm Coleman just did exactly as we expected — accepted defeat but whined about the process. The one decent thing he did was thank his colleague Amy Klobuchar and her staff, for carrying the load of two U.S. Senators for the last six months. Well, jerk, whose fault was that?

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