Thursday, June 11, 2009

Taking a Page from "Why We Fight"

By Baxter

Is there a trend developing in the liberal blogsosphere? We cats can't be sure — because we haven't done a representative sampling — but we suspect maybe there is.

Rather than just railing against the idiocy of the increasingly violent American right wing, bloggers are taking the haters' heinous comments directly from their wacko websites and re-posting them. Hanging them with their own words.

As you may know from reading us, we cats plead guilty to this tactic. We started browsing some of the tamer right-wing sites after the 2008 election. One reason was the healthy case of Schadenfreude we were enjoying after eight long years of Bush. But, being cats, we were also curious about the reactions of folks like the Freepers to President Obama's victory.

We're not saying we started it — in fact, we're sure we didn't — but more and more, we're noticing other bloggers joining in. Particularly in the wake of the Tiller murder and yesterday's Holocaust Museum attack.

In the long run, we think, this is probably a good thing. Sure, we don't want to give these nuts any more exposure. But — as Frank Capra so cannily realized back during World War II — decent, clear-thinking Americans everywhere are naturally revolted when they read and hear the actual words of people like James von Brunn. So, best to hoist the haters on their own petard.

We think Mr. Capra would approve. Born in Italy, he was a truly great American.

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