Friday, June 5, 2009

When Words Have Consequences

By Zamboni

It's the end of another week of the right wing screaming about President Obama and how he's a socialist or a fascist or a Communist or a Marxist or a Muslim or all of the above.

The latest goofball is Republican Senator James Inhofe, who has called the President's speech in Cairo "un-American." But even before a word of the speech was given, the wingnuts were going over the top. In an appearance on Wednesday night on Sean Hannity's FOX show, Rush Limbaugh declared that Barack Obama was more destructive to America than Al Qaeda.

Hm. We cats can't wait to see if anyone in the media will ask elected Republican officials other than Inhofe to either support or repudiate this — or any of the rest of the vitriol that's been spewing from the party's base since January 20.

But there's a larger question in our minds tonight. We're actually torn between wanting the spewers to be ignored and wanting them to get even more coverage. On the one hand, they're all despicable and don't deserve the attention. On the other hand, the crazies — with Limbaugh in the lead — are hastening the demise of the Republican Party. So it's a tough decision.

What may ultimately tip us, though, is our concern for the safety of the President of the United States. And other people.

UPDATE: Oh, God, here's another one.

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