Sunday, July 15, 2012

A Condi Spin You May Not Have Heard Yet

By Zamboni

We cats have a theory about the Willard Mitt Romney for President campaign, and it's this: They don't know what they're doing.

It's an amazing statement to make about an outfit that's been up and operating for going on two decades now. But we always kinda suspected it, because of the inept clown college Willard was "running" against in this year's laughable Republican primaries. And now that he's the presumptive nominee, we're suspecting it anew.

It was the NAACP-Condoleezza Rice thingie that got us going again. Here's how.

Immediately following the boos that the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People rained down on Willard last Wednesday, some commentators claimed that Romney wasn't really trying to appeal to that ballroom audience in Houston — or to any other black American, for that matter. His true target: white independent voters, who, the thinking went, would see him as gutsy, or something. Indeed, Willard himself said later that he'd expected a hostile reception.

So yes, we cats agree that the Romneybots had white independents in mind when they sent their hollow candidate off to Texas. But here's where we part with the pundits: We believe it because the very next day, the "Condi for VP" rumors took off like a rocket.

Sound counterintuitive? Bear with us here.

See, after the Boo-Mitt incident came off without a hitch, we think his campaign did some overnight polling of those same white independent voters — particularly women, since as we've noted earlier, they're going after girls with a vengeance. And we think they got a surprise.

We think that white, independent and, especially, female voters were offended that Willard cynically tried to use the nation's oldest and most respected civil rights organization to pander for their support.

Therefore, to prove those white, independent, female voters wrong, a panicked Romney campaign got its BFF, Matt Drudge, to agree to send up the Condi balloon. See, white women! I wasn't dissing the NAACP! I'm thinking of choosing a black woman to be my running mate! (Never mind that if they were really serious about Condi, they would have leaked that well in advance of the Houston speech — not afterward.)

It's kind of a convoluted scenario, but we cats like it. Because it's certainly not one that's indicative of a tightly run, well-oiled campaign.

Then again, maybe they were just trying to change the subject from Bain Capital and Willard's tax returns.

Good luck with that, kids.

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