Thursday, July 26, 2012

More Outrages of Olympian Proportions

By Sniffles

We cats are beginning to think that we should start a new blog feature: Embarrassing Olympic Screw-Ups. But then, that's redundant, isn't it?

Having already trashed the games once this week — and having duly and disgustedly taken note of the right-wing pig who was dropped from the Greek team — we now see that the IOC doesn't know the North Korean flag from the South Korean one. Who's in charge of banners this year? Sarah Palin?

This flag flap nearly tops the mess-up in which two shuttle buses got lost for more than three hours carrying the American and Australian athletes from Heathrow Airport to the Olympic village.

(Of course, on the subject of right-wing pigs, we have to remind ourselves that in 1972 the IOC misspelled Avery Brundage's name on the closing-ceremony scoreboard. Which is the least that he deserved.)

What a bunch of sad sacks. And what a perfect place for Willard Mitt Romney to be.

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