Wednesday, July 18, 2012

We Wish This Romney Guy Would Learn To Be An American (Taxpayer, That Is)

By Sniffles

Republicans are big on personal responsibility. It's the Democrats, they say, who support government handouts. President Obama wants everybody to be on food stamps.

So it's amazing that their presumptive 2012 Presidential nominee — whose father set the gold standard for financial transparency, to boot — finds himself beleaguered by his fellow Republicans over his unreleased tax returns. The Romneybots' secrecy and mismanagement have actually allowed folks in Pundit World to start asking whether Willard, in certain years, paid any taxes at all.

We cats can't resist joining the feeding frenzy. Here, then, are a few observations on Willard's recent and hapless sit-down with The National Review (the one that prompted them to publish yesterday's devastating online editorial):

Willard says: "My tax returns that have already been released number into the hundreds of pages."

We cats say: Big deal. If a guy with Romney's finances was not trying to hide income and cheat, his tax return's pages would probably number 1,000-plus. (Strike one.)

Willard says: "We will be releasing tax returns for the current year as soon as those are prepared."

We cats say: Why not April 15? Like millions of Americans, we file taxes when they're due. We've never even asked for an extension. What is it about April 15, Willard, that you don't understand? (Strike two.)

Willard says: "I'm simply not enthusiastic about giving [Democrats]... more pages to pick through, distort or lie about."

We cats say: You know what? We're not enthusiastic about voting for a tax cheat.

Strike three, Willard, you're out.

1 comment:

The Cranky Copywriter said...

Maybe Mitzi isn't as afraid of the American taxpayers knowing his income as he is of revealing it to the Mormon Church. After all he is supposed to give them 10% of his annual income. How embarrassed would he be if the church found out he was short-changing them ever year? Especially since the haughty horsewoman in her recent imperious interview proudly stated that they do give 10% to their Utah cult.