Sunday, July 14, 2013

Be Careful Out There

By Baxter

George Zimmerman has been acquitted of killing Trayvon Martin, who committed the unforgivable crime of Skittling While Black. And we cats HISS — because we know who's really to blame for Trayvon's murder.

Zimmerman? He's just a tool. It was Marion Hammer who put the gun in his hand, the Koch brothers and ALEC who gave him the ammunition, and Jeb Bush who pulled the trigger.

And the GOP has probably already booked a speaking slot for Zimmerman at their 2016 convention.

In the meantime, for those of you who live in "stand your ground" states like Florida, Texas, South Carolina — and even Maine, Massachusetts and New Hampshire — we suggest that you Be Aware Of Your Surroundings. Some goon with a gun may not like the way you look.

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