Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Tidbits and Cat Treats: George Edition

By Zamboni

Today we're regretting that we aren't betting cats — because we would have made, if not a tidy sum, some kind of sum wagering on the Royal Baby's name.

We had this sneaking suspicion it would be George, the name that the present Queen's beloved father took when he ascended to the throne in 1936. We also think it's a subtle message from Her Majesty to the ignorant chattering punditheads who keep wondering aloud if she'll abdicate. And the message is this: Piffle.

Overall, it's turned out to be a bit of a George-ish day.

For example, the Georgia Senate race has just been jumbled by Michelle Nunn tossing in her proverbial hat. We cats are feeling very smug, since we brazenly called that race for the Democrats not long ago.

George Zimmerman has allegedly come to the rescue of a family in a car accident. Um-hmmmm.

George H.W. Bush has shaved his head in a show of support with a young cancer patient. Okay, that's nice — but it still won't make up for putting Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court.

And George Clooney is single again! Please note: We cats did not list these items in order of importance.

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