Monday, July 15, 2013

Giving Glenn Heartburn

By Sniffles

We cats are liberals. But if there's one thing we can't stand, it's liberal losers. Lefties who will cut off their own noses to spite their faces. Political bedfellows who, turning a blind eye to Republican extremism, insist that Democrats who aren't perfect are just as bad as the GOP.

So, oh, thank goodness: One of the giants of journalism has publicly reprimanded our not-good-friend, the ever-cranky Glenn Greenwald. After Greenwald exulted in NSA brat Edward Snowden's ability to bring the US to its knees, Watergate legend Carl Bernstein said this:

"That's an awful statement. It's one thing to say that Mr. Snowden possesses some information that could be harmful, and that could be part of the calculation that everybody makes here. It's another to make that kind of an aggressive, non-reportorial statement [that] a reporter has no business making."

Amen, Brother Bernstein. See, we cats have tussled with Greenwald before. After figuring out that he couldn't even take pleasure from President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize — even though it was a total rebuke to the George W. Bush crowd whom he hates — Glenn Greenwald was nobody we'd want to have a can of Friskies with. Or a beer.

Glenn, you're gay. Time to start acting that way. Find some joy somewhere. Understand that issues aren't always black and white — see the nuances, explain the intricacies, find the fabulousness. We know you can do it.

But if for some reason you can't, STFU. Because you're a pain in the ass, and you're giving the Freepers ammunition. Just sayin'.

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