Thursday, June 26, 2014

Hogan, GOP Don't Know "Zaching," Get Zapped

By Zamboni

So the first move by the GOP nominee for Governor of Maryland is to screw up an Internet meme and accuse Democratic nominee Anthony Brown of being weird.

The Hogan campaign included this photo of Brown and his running mate, Ken Ulman, as evidence of Brown's "incompetence" — when actually, it was Brown and Ulman showing support for a University of Maryland cancer patient named Zach Lederer.

Confronted with this information, the Hogan spokesperson sputtered that they had had "absolutely no idea" that Brown and Ulman had been Interwebbing in support of a celebrated, and now deceased, Marylander.

Which means we cats just want to know: Why use the photo if you had "absolutely no idea"? Republicans are idiots.

And you know what else? It just lends more credence to the fact that the GOP is, digitally, a generation behind us Democrats.

With their admitted ignorance of what's going on in cyberspace, the Hogan campaign is just the latest example of the failure of Rancid Pieface's Republican "autopsy." They vowed to catch up to Democrats online — and they are so not there. We cats PURR.

(UPDATE: After swearing they never would, the Hogan campaign has deleted the Zaching photo from the ad. You're off to a great start, guys. Keep it up!)

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