Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Tidbits and Cat Treats: Mississippi Mad Edition

By Baxter

Wow, are those teabaggers steamed. You may already know that Thad Cochran managed to eke out a win over Chris "Mamacita" McDaniel in yesterday's Mississippi Republican Senate primary. That alone would be enough to set off the right-right wing — but the fact that Cochran apparently won by appealing to African-Americans for votes has the "bags" shaking with fury.

We cats, on the other hand, are considerably calmer, not to mention amused. Here are a few things about the Cochran-McDaniel race that have intrigued us:

Sean Hannity asked the Famous Quitter from Alaska last night if, in the wake of her candidate's razor-thin defeat, she would leave the GOP and start a third party. Palin was noncommittal, but ooooohhh! We cats love this. Please, please, please, Famous Quitter, kiss the Republican Party goodbye and take the Freepers with you.

The only reason we have Palin in our lives at all, of course, is because John McCain thought she was qualified to be a 71-year-old cancer survivor's heartbeat away from the Presidency. Since then, we've always noticed how silent Palin and McCain are about one another. Will McCain be asked about her third-party response to Hannity last night? Goodness knows the media scamper to him to comment on everything else.

Senate Conservatives Fund pooh-bah Ken "I'm a Fetus-Loving Loser" Cuccinelli hung up on POLITICO when asked about a legal challenge. Ahhh, Cootch — classy to the end.

Speaking of which, in true Cootchy fashion, McDaniel refuses to concede. Terry McAuliffe would probably advise Cochran not to sit by the phone, waiting for a gracious call.

Finally, it appears that the media haven't learned anything from this GOP kerfuffle. So far, all the coverage we've read has predicted a Cochran waltz to victory this fall. We cats are surely Democrats — we admit that; but we don't think anybody should rush to count Travis Childers out. From the anger we're seeing, the teabaggers will either stay home, start a third party or leave the Senate race blank. Which would make us PURR.

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