Monday, June 9, 2014

Whacko GOP Base Hates Government, So Cops Have To Die

By Miss Kubelik

We cats used to think we'd have to move to Canada to get medical coverage. Now that we have Obamacare, though, we're thinking that we're going to have to move to Canada to get away from the guns.

In short, we're sad to report that another pair of nutjobs slaughtered two policemen at a pizza joint in Las Vegas and then crossed the street to a Walmart to kill somebody else. Who did they get? Wayne LaPierre's famous "good guy with a gun." So much for those "Guns Save Lives" bumper stickers we see on teabagger cars in Virginia.

What an amazing, topsy-turvy world we live in. Republicans, who used to love all of our men and women in the military, now hate soldiers if they're gay and especially hate POWs if Barack Obama brings them home. And by kissing the NRA's ass to the extent they have, they have helped foment cop killing. They used to love cops! What has happened to our dear old GOP?

We'll tell you what. They are enabling and inspiring these right-wing loony-toon murderers. So since there doesn't appear to be hope of enacting new gun laws any time soon, the Republican Party and Wayne LaPierre should just shut up — right now. We cats HISS.

(IMAGE: A post from the cop-killing teabagger on the Face Thing. But, wait — who is Corey Miller? If he's related, we cats hope he's been hauled into the hoosegow for questioning.)

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