Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Tidbits and Cat Treats: Post-Cantor-Crash Edition

By Sniffles

Wow! Could Eric Cantor be any more humiliated? We cats are not sure, but mind you, we're not feeling the least bit sorry for him. This is another case of how great it is when people who deserve to lose, lose.

But the question remains: How is it possible that one of the brightest lights in the Republican establishment doesn't know how to run a simple Congressional campaign? The answer always was and continues to be: Just because they have more money than everybody else, doesn't mean they're smarter.

Anyway, here are the thoughts that are bouncing around in our furry little heads today (between naps):

Remember how pissy Eric was toward the President in those debt ceiling meetings three years ago? We wonder if he's feeling quite so arrogant today. But then, you know that old saying about what's gone around coming back around.

There's a ton of chatter about how totally bad Cantor's pollster was. McLaughlin & Associates had Eric holding a 34-point lead just a few weeks ago. Laughable! How do Republicans who have McLaughlin polling for them feel today? But we cats weren't surprised. When you don't believe in science and math, and selectively choose which facts are facts and which facts are inconvenient, it's really hard to run accurate polls.

But don't just look at the pollster. Look at the client. Since Eric Cantor is a whiny, self-righteous, lecturing momma's boy who is always convinced of the rightness of his positions, he knew he was going to win (and that's why he spent yesterday morning at a Starbucks with a gaggle of lobbyists). So, who among his wildly highly paid consultants was going to tell him he was wrong? We cats PURR.

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