Monday, January 12, 2015

Much Ado About Sort Of Something

By Zamboni

We cats have no doubt that had President Obama jetted off to Paris to march this weekend, the right wing would have found ways to pound him for it. Too European-y, they would have said. Calling for unity and tolerance is squishy. He should be bombing the Middle East instead.

(Never mind the fact that Obama killed the jackass who one of the French terrorists claimed funded his efforts. Republicans screamed about that drone strike then — although you don't hear them saying much about it right now.)

But back to Paris: It appears that Obama has finally decided to do his own thing. He can't win with his critics, and he's through trying. Or perhaps he thought it was Francois Hollande's show, or the French people's. Who knows? We cats have to say that to us, the mental picture of a marching Obama feels wrong. It would have been, as the saying goes, "de trop" (or just a little around the edges).

However, while we suppose that Vice President Biden could have attended, we are most amazed that America's present top diplomat, John Kerry, didn't show up.

A previous engagement in India, you say? Sorry, John — you should have sent someone else to Ahmedabad and gotten your marching shoes on, tout de suite. So we HISS.

P.S.: We can't help noting that it would have been impossible send our most recent President or Vice President to represent America overseas. They would have been arrested for crimes against humanity.

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