Monday, January 26, 2015

Passed-Over Princess

By Zamboni

In the category of dog bites man, the Famous Quitter from Alaska gave an incoherent speech at Steve King's KKK rally in Iowa this weekend.

Now, we cats have always known that the Famous Quitter was a few beers short of a six-pack, and that John McCain is a traitorous fool for being willing to place her one 71-year-old cancer survivor's heartbeat away from the Presidency. But now, a lot of right wingers are clucking over the FQ's sorry performance and saying she's "declined" from her 2008 glories.

That makes no sense. Because if her "decline" has only become apparent now, why did the pundits and the party pooh-bahs all quietly leap-frog over the Famous Quitter when it came to discussing the Republican "heir apparent" was in 2012?

In other words, if Palin was in such fine form coming out of '08, why was the next Republican whose "turn it was" Willard Mitt Romney? Willard was a primary also-ran. Why was the next, um, guy in line not the party's Vice Presidential candidate? We think we know.

After this weekend (and especially now that she's hinting about 2016), it's more clear than ever that Republicans have been trashing the Famous Quitter to one another behind closed doors — and being polite to her whackjob teabag base in public — for six years now. And the media appear totally complicit. They allowed the boys of the GOP to brush Palin aside and name Willard the crown prince.

We cats despise the Famous Quitter, so we feel no outrage about this. Just disgust at the fakery of A) the Republican Party and B) the political media. Which makes us HISS.

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