Thursday, January 15, 2015

Republicans Censure Agema, Still Manage To Miss The Point

By Baxter

The Republican National Committee's executive committee has desperately tried to put daylight between their party and a jackass in Michigan named Dave Agema, who spends most of his time posting hate speech on the Internet.

But — whoops! Committee members almost instantly undercut themselves with a statement they issued after the censure. Agema, they said, was indeed a bad puddy-tat — not because he was a racist and a hater, but because he had "demonstrated an unwillingness to change his behavior."

Note to the GOP: It's not the guy's behavior that's the problem. It's his beliefs. So we hope you'll take a moment to look at yourselves in the mirror and ask why somebody who calls gay people "filthy," black people lazy and Muslim-Americans "camel jockeys" would feel at home in your party in the first place. We cats HISS.

P.S.: While they were at it, the GOP should also have chided Agema for not knowing the difference between "affects" and "effects." Why are hate-filled xenophobes always the ones who are so terrible at English?

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