Sunday, September 20, 2015

A Teeny Tiny, Eensty-Weensty Tent

By Sniffles

Was Rancid Pieface on the Sunday shows today? If not, why not? Why wouldn't he want to brag about that fabulous Wednesday night debate and crow about how it settled the 2016 Republican field? Whoops! Well, we cats think we know the answer to that.

So instead, America was treated today to Dr. Ben Carson, who just flat-out said that a Muslim should never be President. (Hm. We bet people once said that about a black man, too. But anyway.)

So, add Muslims to the list of groups that the Republican Party has managed to alienate, and not just because of Carson. Donald Trump didn't much distinguish himself on Thursday when he failed to repudiate a teabag who trashed Muslims in a New Hampshire town hall.

Yes, dear readers, the list of people offended by the GOP is long indeed. Check it out:

They've turned off women with their rabid anti-choice positions (and with the upcoming Planned Parenthood government shutdown). They've alienated African Americans with their voting rights restrictions, their love for the Confederate flag and their hatred of everything Obama. They've repulsed Hispanics and gays with... well, you name it. They've ticked off environmentalists and scientists with their rejection of basic fact, teachers with their desire to punch them in the face, Asians with their anchor-baby garbage, and nine million Americans who finally have health insurance but who would lose it if the GOP gets its way.

And did any Republican leader call out professional hater Ann Coulter for her "f---ing Jews" tweet?

So, who's left? Not many folks that we can count. The Republican Party is just a bunch of teabaggers, evangelicals, flat-taxers, science deniers, paranoid conspiracy buffs, and the Merlot-sipping, Washington-based establishment snobs who may finally be realizing they can't keep the crazies in check. We cats PURR.

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