Thursday, September 17, 2015

Jade Helm Had Nothing On This

By Baxter

To live your life as a dedicated teabag and faithful commenter on Free Republic, you must spend all your energy on the belief that the Republican Party is out to get your guy (or gal). In their view, Rancid Pieface, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner and the GOP establishment will use every trick in the book to minimize, discredit and undermine teabag heroes from Sarah Palin to Ted Cruz to — now — Donald Trump.

Oh, and did we mention that the media are complicit? They are. (Jake Tapper, take a bow.)

We know this conspiracy mindset is still raging because we checked on the Freepers this morning. We wanted to see their reactions to the negative coverage The Donald earned at last night's clown-car debate.

"Trump takes a hit"? No way! insist the Freeps. "Who needs Candy Crowley when you can sic 10 Republicans on Trump and they eagerly comply?" screams one. "Except for Trump, [they] reeked the normal political speech and was [sic] so fake," bleated another. Observed a third, "One can’t help noticing that Time magazine — not exactly a conservative bastion — has 67% believing that Trump won."

And Carly Fiorina, the debate's alleged big winner? Simply the latest tool of the establishment GOP to take The Donald down. "Three hours of smug, stink eye from Fiorina," fulminate the Freeps. "She has no humor is pushy and a self promoter." "She looks like she is angry all the time." "She reminds me of every bad, overbearing, cruel female boss I’ve ever worked for." (Ouch!)

Sometime in the coming days we want someone to explain that bizarre baby-on-the-table story that Fiorina told. In the meantime, rest assured that last night's shenanigans did nothing to either lift Jeb! Bush's fortunes or unite the party with the haters it keeps trying to coddle. As one Freeper rather ungrammatically put it: "These debates are a joke. The GOP doesn't want to solve any issues just to get what they want: control of who will be the nominee. DO NOT SUPPORT THE GOP OR DONATE TO THEM." We cats PURR.

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