Thursday, September 17, 2015

Lest We Furr-get: The People Who Fought Under This Flag Defended Slavery

By Zamboni

We cats don't have to visit our friends over at Free Republic or other right-wing sites to know that they're going simply bat-crap crazy over the 23 teenagers who were suspended today from a Christianburg, Virginia, high school for violating the institutional dress code.

In short, they wore stuff with the Confederate battle flag on it. OMG, we can hear the Freepers screaming now, free speech, free speech!

Ya know what? We cats are unimpressed. First, because the school in question has a history of racial incidents, and the administration has tried to keep further tensions in check by banning dumb T-shirts and teabaggy hats and the like. Their goal: Discouraging attire that would "reflect adversely on persons due to race." Fair enough.

But the Dixie flag-bearers totally lose us when they try to claim, as one student did, that "the [Confederate] flag is not racist."

Oh, really? Well, then — since we cats are sure you young Christianburg kiddies are learning American history as part of your curriculum — let us remind you of what Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens said about secession:

"Our new Government is founded upon...the great truth that the Negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition."

Sorry, kids. That flag is totally racist. And our country will be better when it's relegated to museums and classic Hollywood movies. (We still think the famous tracking shot from Gone With The Wind is goosebump-raising. And we are Union stalwarts.) We cats HISS.

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