Sunday, September 27, 2015

Happy Days

By Zamboni

Republican World sure is an unpleasant place, isn't it? Goodness gracious, when they aren't calling Obamacare the worst thing than slavery, or making up stories about brain-harvested fetuses, they're saying rude and nasty things about just about every ethnic or religious group under the sun. It's gotten so bad that now John "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah" Boehner is celebrating his imminent departure from the dark pit of Washington and warning about "false prophets."

Jeez, we thought everyone was supposed to be feeling good: The Pope was just here! But now that Francis is wheels-up, it hasn't taken the GOP long to get back to their fighting and demonizing and whining and grousing. Call us crazy, but we're having a hard time seeing how a party full of angry haters is going to inspire voters next year.

So, at the end of an eventful and very strange week, we cats are looking for anything that might get us in a better mood than the GOP's. And you know what? There's a lot: Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, more than 17 million Americans who used to scrape by without health coverage can breathe easier now. Gay people are getting married across the country whether Kim Davis likes it or not. Gas prices are even lower than Newt Gingrich promised they would be if Republicans won in 2012. And the Supreme Court may take up a Texas abortion case this term.

Why is that last item such a picker-upper? Because it reminded us cats of how much better life can be when Democrats are in charge.

See, the Texas case involves restrictive building standards and admitting privileges — just the kind of bogus rules that regulation-hating Republicans tried to slap on abortion clinics here in Virginia. Heck, Ken "A Fetus Should Be Trevor Noah's First Guest on the New 'Daily Show'" Cuccinelli personally terrorized the Virginia Board of Health to enact crap like that when he was our state attorney general.

Well, guess what? Terry McAuliffe is in the Governor's mansion now — having sent the Cootch out of politics (we hope) for good — and the Board of Health has rolled those restrictions back.

This is why we cats went door-to-door for Terry, Ralph Northam and Mark Herring back in 2013. How nice to know that we didn't give up those lovely weekend afternoons for nothing. And that makes us PURR.

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