Saturday, September 19, 2015

We Hate To Say It, But The Pope Should Probably Give Us More Of A Thumbs-Down

By Miss Kubelik

We cats think it's about damn time for the Pope to visit America and knock some sense into us. Aside from that awful day in June when "Dylann" Roof was gunning down nine black churchgoers in South Carolina, we can't imagine a more racist week than the one we just passed.

Shall we recap? We started out by being bombarded — in the midst of Rosh Hashana, no less — with tweets by the execrable Ann Coulter, frothing about the "f---ing Jews."

Then a 14-year-old kid in Texas gets freaking arrested — with handcuffs and all — for bringing a homemade clock to school. See, since the kid in question is a Muslim, the clock must have been a bomb.

Then the Republican clown car holds a debate on Wednesday night in which they do practically nothing except slam brown-skinned immigrants. The next night, Donald Trump refuses to shut down a teabagger who hijacks his town hall by saying, "We have a problem in this country. It's called Muslims. You know our current President is one. You know he’s not even an American."

Then the clown car spends Friday trying to decide if Trump did the right or the wrong thing by not calling the hater out.

And of course, Kim Davis in Kentucky is still trying to have her wedding cake and eat it too on same-sex marriage. (Memo to Judge Bunning: Time to haul this bigoted cow back to the hoosegow.)

Yep, Pope Francis's visit to the US could not be more expertly timed. Let's hope that the Vicar of Christ looks out over the Mall in Washington, takes in the majesty of the capital of the most powerful and affluent country in the world, and bitch-slaps us all to Hell. Republicans first, though. We cats PURR.

(IMAGE: Frankie in Cuba. Dios mio! What fun!)

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