Saturday, September 5, 2015

Tidbits And Cat Treats: Labor Day Saturday Edition

By Sniffles

Happy Labor Day weekend! We cats are amusing ourselves in the country that Scott Walker wants to wall the US off from. But political stories from south of the border are still getting our attention. Here are a few.

We cats have never called Washington National Airport anything but Washington National Airport. (When we talk to the airlines, reps invariably say, "Oh, you're one of those.") So we're totally behind this petition drive to change its name back from... well, you know. And while they're at it, they can take this silly statue down, too.

The punditocracy is starting to pronounce Rick Perry dead. It's made us wonder how the coyote killer from the Lone Star State would be faring now if he had never made his two ill-advised runs for President. Think about it: He would never have made that immortal gaffe in the 2012 debate, so no one could accuse him of being Oops Man for the rest of his life. And he wouldn't have this year's utter, flailing failure hanging over him, either. (Trump is "a cancer on conservatism"? Please, how fake.) Instead, as a former long-serving Texas Governor, he could be respected — at least in Republican circles — and at the top of anybody's short list for VP. Oh, well!

We're not sure why Kim Davis's attorney, "Mat" Staver, should be listened to on the validity of the marriage licenses that Rowan County, Kentucky is issuing while she sits in the hoosegow. Staver was so shocked that the Republican-appointed federal judge Bunning sent her to jail in the first place, so what does he know? And besides, why wouldn't a deputy clerk's signature be as good? So we think Staver's trying to start a drumbeat for eliminating signatures altogether to get his bigoted client off the hook. By the way, is she still getting paid?

Finally, we cats are struck by the difference between the demonstrators outside the courthouse this week. The Kim Davis supporters spewed insults at both the happy gay couples obtaining their licenses and at Judge Bunning (that good Republican). The pro-marriage-equality demonstrators held signs that said "Love Wins." Who would you rather have a beer with? We cats PURR.

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