Wednesday, February 12, 2020

55 A Day

By Sniffles

We cats didn't post until now because we had to do the math. How many voters has Bernie Sanders lost since the last New Hampshire primary? Here's the answer.

In 2016, Sanders won the Granite State with 152,193 votes (about 60 percent). Last night he won with 73,612 votes (about 26 percent).

Yes, this morning's headlines are "Sanders wins." But when you dig into those numbers, it's not all sunshine and unicorns.

Sanders lost 53 percent of his New Hampshire vote from 2016, nearly 80,000 actual votes, and racked up what might be the smallest margin of victory in the history of the Democrats' first-in-the-nation primary. After all his time, effort and money in the state, Sanders shed 55 votes a day, every day, for four years to clinch his glorious 2020 win. (At that rate, it would take him only 1,309 more days to bleed down to zero.)

Meanwhile, Mayor Pete and Amy "Klobucharge" are breathing down his neck. Remember "The Comeback Kid"? That's a handy reminder that Bill Clinton turned a second-place finish in New Hampshire into victory.

It's a long road ahead, fellow Democrats. Bear down, assume nothing, and pledge to support whomever we nominate. We cats PURR.

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