Friday, February 28, 2020

Yellen About Recession

By Sniffles

The eldest chinless spawn of Trump has accused Democrats of wanting the coronavirus to kill millions of people so that the "winning" of Benedict Donald will stop.

No, Little Benedict: We just want the government to have an adequate response to the virus so that our stock portfolio losses will stop. It's really not more complicated than that.

Meanwhile, former Fed chair Janet Yellen has mused that mishandling the coronavirus crisis could indeed put the US economy into a recession. Which must be why Trump Junior started bleating: Deflect and project! But what if Yellen's prediction comes to pass? A few thoughts.

Thanks to their stupid tax cuts for the rich and Trump's inappropriate bullying to lower interest rates, the Fed has almost no wiggle room to prod the country out of a downturn. We have record debt in a time of economic expansion, and, hamstrung by Mitch McConnell, a Congress that won't dig us out, either.

Plus, a recession would probably hit the manufacturing sector first. Which, gosh, is already not doing too hot. This would be bad news for Benedict Donald in states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and Indiana. It would also be bad news for the auto makers in South Carolina, Alabama and Tennessee, and the tech manufacturers in North Carolina. (Electoral College, here we come.)

But why worry? Doesn't Benedict Donald have the best brain to get us out of such a mess? We cats HISS.

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