Monday, February 24, 2020

Stocks Catch A Cold

By Miss Kubelik

In the category of "There's a tweet for everything," Benedict Donald might not be real pleased to see this one surface. We cats don't know how much we've lost from our portfolio today, but one thing's for certain: It's going to be something.

Wall Street is nervous about the coronavirus upending the world economy. (They don't really care about people dying — just money.) Meanwhile, it's worth noting that Trump's budget cuts $35 million from the Infectious Disease Rapid Response Reserve Fund and $25 million from the Public Health Preparedness and Response Program.

Will anyone in the media make that connection? Doubtful. They're too busy ginning up unhelpful excitement over what's going on in the Democratic Party (which will change again after tomorrow night's debate) to cover this or a multitude of other stories that would have merited screaming headlines in saner times. Sonia Sotomayor's scathing SCOTUS dissent, the Trumps' never-ending emoluments violations, the hollowing out of the State Department (and now, the DOJ)... all have to take a back seat to the horse race.

It's enough to make you hack up a hairball. Which is preferable to getting the coronavirus, we guess — but right now, we're more worried about what's going to happen in November 2020 than we are about getting COVID-19. (Zoonoses work the other way around, you see.) We cats HISS.

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