Friday, February 7, 2020

National Emergency

By Zamboni

We cats aren't sure how to respond to yesterday's Trump tantrum(s). Mainly because with his fake impeachment acquittal under his size-52 belt, he's sure to let rip with many more of them. Prepare to have to perennially pick your jaw off the floor.

This is no laughing matter. It's scary as hell. There are already reports that Vindictive Donald and his White House enablers are hell-bent on firing Alexander Vindman, perhaps as soon as today. It's not going to stop there. And as we already know, the Republicans will do nothing to restrain him. We are in uncharted territory in which one of the two major political parties is complicit in what is essentially a Russian takeover of our government from within.

Here is today's GOP: Right wingers like George Conway, Bill Kristol, Joe Walsh, David Frum and Rick Wilson are the model of moderation. The ever-hesitant Willard "Mitt" Romney is the picture of political courage. The party has shut down its primary process, freezing out alternative candidates like Walsh and Bill Weld and crowning Trump the king.

Meanwhile, over at the Department of Justice, who knows what nefariousness William Barr is up to?

If this doesn't motivate Americans to work like hell to win in November, we don't know what will. So here are some very important marching orders to follow between now and then:
  • Register to vote if you haven't already, and pledge to get five other like-minded people to register, too.
  • If you're already registered, don't rest easy. Republicans are purging voter rolls around the country because they know that if they don't disenfranchise people, they lose. Check the status of your registration often. (Click here.)
  • Pick a Senate campaign to contribute to, and if you live in that state, work like hell for that candidate. Many terrific Democrats are running in states like Arizona (Mark Kelly), Kentucky (Amy McGrath) and, yes, South Carolina (Jaime Harrison).
  • If you live in a swing Congressional district or have an otherwise interesting House race (as we do), contribute to the Democrat's campaign and volunteer to make phone calls, knock on doors, and get out the vote.
  • Support the candidate of your choice in the primaries, but no matter who wins the Democratic nomination, work your butt off for that candidate and vote for him or her in November. Make the margin so overwhelming that Vladimir Putin, Benedict Donald, and his merry band of Trumpster traitors can't rig it. We cats PURR.

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