Sunday, February 2, 2020

Tidbits And Cat Treats: Punching Back Edition

By Miss Kubelik

The Iowa caucuses are tomorrow, and there's some sort of game on TV tonight. In the middle of the craziness, we cats have noticed some feistyness among Democrats lately. Here are our thoughts.

After NBC reported that John Kerry was overheard in a phone conversation about running for President, the 2004 Democratic nominee — who has endorsed Joe Biden for 2020 — got a tad annoyed. He posted (and deleted) the above tweet. Too bad. Kerry didn't fight back hard enough against the Swift Boat smearers, so we liked seeing him get edgy. Put it back up, John!

The detestable Joni Ernst, underwater for her Senate re-election in Iowa and worried about her base, has started impeaching Joe Biden, and he's not even President yet. (You'll recall that Republicans in 2016 declared they would impeach Hillary seconds after she was sworn in.) Who's going to tell Joni that the Democrats not only hold the House, they're going to win more seats this year? Meanwhile, Biden is having the time of his life making fun of Ernst at campaign events."You can ruin Donald Trump's night by caucusing with me and ruin Joni Ernst's night as well," he jokes.

Benedict "Impeachment Is Forever" Donald is still going after Mike Bloomberg for his height, claiming that the former New York mayor was asking for a box to stand on at the next Democratic debate. Trump is so ridiculously childish that whether it's worth engaging with him is always a question. Bloomberg's team has decided the answer is yes.

"The president is lying," said the mayor's campaign spokeswoman. "He is a pathological liar who lies about everything: his fake hair, his obesity, and his spray-on tan." We cats PURR.

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