Friday, July 31, 2020

"Trending Well" Vs. "Trending Poorly"

By Baxter

Wow, this map is really shocking. We knew that a lot of states were lagging behind ours (New York), but we had no idea it was this bad.

America should never forgive Benedict Donald and his merry band of haters for failing to institute a national response to the coronavirus epidemic. Had they done that — implemented the Defense Production Act, created a national testing system, and modeled good behavior like wearing masks, washing hands and social distancing — instead of shirking responsibility and urging states to reopen too quickly, the United States would be in a much different place today.

And an American passport would still be worth something. Now, nobody wants us to visit them. What irony, considering how Benedict Donald bleated about preventing people from crossing the border into the US from Mexico.

This is our personal beef with Trump — that his inaction on COVID has prevented us from going to Canada. But many more Americans have more serious complaints — like, they weren't able to be with their elderly relatives who were dying.

The nation will endure a ton of PTSD from Trump. Let's just hope we can put an end to him on November 3, and celebrate that end on January 20. We cats PURR.

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