Friday, June 24, 2022

The End Of Roe, The Beginning Of Something Else

There's a lot of rage in our corner of Twitter this morning against the liberal losers who couldn't bring themselves to support the email lady in 2016, and thus prevent the Trump-packing of the Supreme Court. (Susan Sarandon, for example, is trending.)

So it may be surprising — or maybe not — that we found this post by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, one of Congress's leading Bernie Bro-ettes, to be steadying. She's right. We cats PURR.

"My honest view is that things are likely going to get harder before they get better, and we will need to stick together.

"What is important in moments like these is to not think in binaries. Good/bad, screwed/non screwed. There is no doubt that things are bad. And they may likely get worse. But that does not preclude the fact that slowly but surely, some good can be growing as other things fall apart.

"This is not some syrupy-sweet, silver-lining case for optimism. Rather, it is really about a choice all of us will have to make in life...Will I be a person who is safe and creates good for other? Will I be a person who stands up?...Or will I just be a passive, 'neutral' observer of it all?

"What I sometimes tell my staff is that the world we are fighting for is already here. It exists in small spaces, places, and communities. Much of our work is about scaling existing solutions, many created by small, committed groups of people, that others haven't seen or don't even know are around the corner. So while we can't change the world in a day, we can and do have the power to make our own world within our four walls, or our own blocks. We can grow from there with the faith that somewhere out there, everywhere, others are doing the same. And we will come together...

"You are allowed to be scared. To grieve. To be angry. But you are also allowed to create good, to be soft, and enjoy the small reprieves. Struggle lasts as long as we do."

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